Terms of Service

Legal > Terms of Service

The following excerpt outlines the legally binding agreement, referred to as the “Agreement,” between Thunder TV, Inc. (“Thunder TV“) and the user, or, in the case of representation by an entity or organization, that specific entity or organization, collectively addressed as “You,” “you,” or “your.”

Thunder TV‘s online video platform, denoted as the Thunder TV “Platform,” grants its users (“Users”) access to a diverse array of audiovisual content and various forms of information, data, and content (“Content”). This access is facilitated through the Thunder TV website and other platforms, web services, applications, and video players managed and provided by Thunder TV.

All services, functionality, and additional resources (“Services”) related to the Platform and Content are exclusively available under the conditions specified in this Agreement. The inception of this Agreement occurs when Thunder TV and the user (“You”) initiate their engagement with the Services or express their acceptance of this Agreement, as defined below, commonly referred to as the “Effective Date.”

We strongly advise a thorough reading of this Agreement. By utilizing the Services or demonstrating your agreement to this Agreement through actions such as registering an account, clicking “I ACCEPT,” or similar mechanisms, you signify your consent to adhere to the terms outlined in this Agreement. Failure to do so will result in the inability to access or use the Service or register an account.

If you access or use the Service or register an Account on behalf of a company, principal, or other entity, you represent that you have authority to bind such entity and its affiliates to this Agreement and that it is fully binding on them. In such case, the term “you,” as used in this Agreement, will refer to such entity and its affiliates. If you do not have authority, you may not access or use the Service. Be advised that this Agreement contains disclaimers of warranties and limitations on liability that may be applicable to you.

1. Definitions.
Terms used in this Agreement have the definitions given in this Agreement or, if not defined in this Agreement, have their plain English meaning as commonly interpreted in the United States.

2. Term.
The term of this Agreement begins on the Effective Date and will continue as follows: (a) for Paid Subscriptions (as defined herein) the term of the Agreement will continue in accordance with the type of subscription you have, unless terminated earlier in accordance with Section 13 herein and (b) for all other access or use of the Services, the term of the Agreement will continue until terminated earlier in accordance with Section 13 herein.


1.Free Trial. Certain portions of the Services and Content are provided on a paid subscription basis. In order to access those portions of the Services, you must either elect (an “ Subscription Election”) to receive a Monthly Paid Subscription (as defined herein) or an Annual Paid Subscription (as defined herein)(together with a Monthly Paid Subscription, the “Paid Subscriptions”). Except as prohibited under applicable law, all Fees will be non-refundable once paid to Thunder TV (including upon any termination or suspension of this Agreement). When you elect to receive a Paid Subscription, under certain conditions you may automatically receive a free trial subscription to the Services (“Trial Subscription”). During the Trial Subscription, you may access the Services, without any obligation to pay Fees (as defined herein). The Trial Subscription period will begin when you elect to receive a Paid Subscription which will automatically renew on a month-to-month or annual basis to the paid subscription rates for monthly or annual subscription at the expiration of the stipulated period after your Subscription Election (“Trial Period”) ends. Unless it is cancelled or changed by you prior to the expiration of the Trial Period (“Trial Termination Notice”), in accordance with these Terms of Service. You can choose to cancel prior to the expiration of the Trial Subscription period by visiting Thunder TV cancel online at any time or by contacting Thunder TV through chat/phone support (when available) and requesting cancellation of the account. Cancellation requests are not accepted via mail, social media, email, Contact Us form, app reviews, etc. If you provide Thunder TV your Trial Termination Notice prior to the expiration of the Trial Period, your access to the Services may be terminated at that time or at any point between the date of your Trial Termination Notice and expiration of the Trial Period. If you notify Thunder TV that you wish to receive a different Paid Subscription to the Services prior to the expiration of the Trial Period, your access to Thunder TV will automatically convert to such a Paid Subscription at that time or at the expiration of the Trial Period. You may only receive one Trial Subscription. Without limitation, any attempt by You to receive more than one Trial Subscription, such as by creating alternate accounts, will be considered a material breach of this Agreement.

2.Monthly Subscription. You may elect to receive a monthly, prepaid subscription to the Services (“Monthly Paid Subscription”). Monthly prepaid Subscriptions will automatically renew for subsequent additional one-month period unless you choose to cancel prior to the expiration of the then-current monthly subscription term by visiting Thunder TV cancel online at any time or by contacting Thunder TV through chat/phone support (when available) and requesting cancellation of the account. Cancellation requests are not accepted via mail, social media, email, Contact Us form, app reviews, etc. Because charges are prepaid each billing period, when you cancel your subscription, your subscription will continue through the end of the then-current billing period, in accordance with these Terms of Service.

3.Annual Subscription. You may also elect to receive an annual (when available), prepaid subscription to the Services (“Annual Paid Subscription”). Annual prepaid Subscriptions will automatically renew for subsequent additional one-year period, unless you choose to cancel prior to the expiration of the then-current annual subscription term by visiting www.ThunderTV.CO.UK cancel online at any time or by contacting Thunder TV through chat/phone support (when available) and requesting cancellation of the account. Cancellation requests are not accepted via mail, social media, email, Contact Us form, app reviews, etc. Because charges are prepaid each billing period, when you cancel your subscription, your subscription will continue through the end of the then-current billing period, in accordance with these Terms of Service.

4.Packages of Subscription. Thunder TV may offer a number of different packages of subscription, including special promotional packages, each governed by any supplemental Promotional Terms provided at the time of your first access or use of such Subscriptions. Some promotional packages may be offered by third parties in conjunction with the provision of their own products and services. Thunder TV is not responsible for the products and services provided by such third parties. Thunder TV reserves the right to modify, terminate, or otherwise amend the subscriptions offered, and the contents of the packages and levels thereof.

5.Minimum Requirements. Thunder TV reserves the right to require and/or change minimum programming package requirements, from time to time and at any time, in its sole and absolute discretion. For example, Thunder TV may require a minimum commitment term, or Thunder TV may require you to subscribe to a minimum level or package of a subscription in order to view certain content or obtain access to purchase additional levels or packages of a subscription. In order to purchase certain packages, you may be required to first subscribe to a subscription for a set term (e.g., a year-long subscription).

6.Promotional Offers. You may initially accept a promotional offer for a certain subscription package that later becomes unavailable. Promotional offers do not automatically renew and may not be available at the end of, or during, the applicable promotional period, and following the completion of any such promotion, the subscription will automatically renew on a month-to-month or annual basis at the then-current standard rates for monthly or annual access to the same subscription, unless and until they are cancelled or changed by you or Thunder TV, in accordance with this Agreement.

6.Only One Promotion per Account Owner. Promotional offers may not be combined with other promotional offers associated with any account that you own, unless otherwise expressly permitted in the applicable Promotional Terms. Thunder TV reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to determine your eligibility for any promotional offer pursuant to the applicable Promotional Terms. Thunder TV reserves the right to change, amend and alter then-current promotional offers or Promotional Terms as well as institute new promotional offers, from time to time and at any time, in its sole and absolute discretion. Thunder TV does not guarantee that any promotional offers are or will be available to you at all, or in connection with any subscriptions desired by you.


3.Third Party Billing.

If you used a third party (e.g. Apple, Roku, etc) to register or signup for a Trial Subscription or Paid Subscription of Thunder TV Services, you may need to contact that third party to manage or cancel that subscription; YOU MAY NOT BE ABLE TO CANCEL THAT THIRD-PARTY SUBSCRIPTION THROUGH Thunder TV.



  Thunder TV reserves the right, at any time, to modify the functionality of the Platform and any portion of the Content or Services. Thunder TV also reserves the right, at any time, to modify the terms of this Agreement. Thunder TV will inform You of the presence of any changes to this Agreement or the functionality of the Platform, Content or Services by posting those changes on the Platform and by providing You with notice through the Platform. Unless otherwise stated in the notification, any modifications will be effective 30 days following delivery of such notice, except in the case of a modification required for Thunder TV or the Platform to comply with applicable Law or to comply with any applicable requirement placed on Thunder TV by a licensor or supplier, each of which will be effective immediately upon notification. You may terminate this Agreement as set forth below if you object to any such modifications. However, You will be deemed to have agreed to any and all modifications through Your continued use of the Platform, Content or Services following such notice period.



The Platform and all Content and Services are intended for use by individuals 18 years of age and older. You hereby affirm that you are over the age of 18. If You are not 18 years of age or older, You agree not to access or use the Platform or any Content or Services. You agree not to allow any individual under 18 years of age to access or use the Platform, whether or not You are the parent or guardian of that individual.



1.Content Access Through Accounts. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, You may be permitted to access certain Content and other Services through the Platform without establishing an account on the Platform (an “Account”). However, access to the Platform generally requires that You register as a User of the Platform and establish an Account. Approval of Your request to establish and maintain any Account will be at the sole discretion of  Thunder TV.

2.Administrator Accounts. Your Account and the User identification and password for Your Account (Your “Account ID”) is personal in nature. Your Account is for Your personal use and Your User Account ID may be used only by You alone. You may not distribute or transfer Your Account or Account ID or provide a third party with the right to access your Account or Account ID. You are solely responsible for all use of the Platform and all Content and Services through Your Account. You will ensure the security and confidentiality of Your Account ID and will notify Thunder TV immediately if Your Account ID is lost, stolen or otherwise compromised. You are fully responsible for all liabilities and damages incurred through the use of Your Account or under Your Account ID (whether lawful or unlawful) and any transactions completed through Your Account or under User Account ID will be deemed to have been lawfully completed by You.

3.Account Information. In connection with establishing Your Account, You will be asked to submit certain information about Yourself (“Account Information”). You agree that: (a) all Account Information You provide will be accurate, complete and current; and (b) You will maintain and promptly update Your Account Information to keep it accurate, complete and current. You may not: (i) select or use an Account ID of another person with the intent to impersonate that person; and (ii) use an Account ID that Thunder TV, in its sole discretion, deems offensive. You are solely responsible for confirming the set-up and configuration of Your Account in all respects and for making all changes and updates thereto through this Agreement.


1.To the Platform. You may access the Platform through the Thunder TV website and the other websites Thunder TV may provide or operate for accessing the Platform (each a “Site”) or using web services, mobile, online and other applications and video players provided and operated by Thunder TV for accessing the Platform (each, an “Application,” and each Site and Application included in the Platform for purposes of this Agreement). Subject to Your compliance with this Agreement, Thunder TV will permit You to access and use the Platform solely for your own lawful, personal, non-commercial uses and solely in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

2.To Applications. Subject to Your compliance with this Agreement, including, without limitation, the restrictions in this Section 7, and any other terms and conditions accompanying each Application, Thunder TV will permit You to download and install Applications and operate those Applications solely for the purpose of using and accessing the Platform for your own lawful, personal, non-commercial use. You may install each Application only on devices or equipment owned or controlled by You and used only for Your own personal and non-commercial purposes in accordance with this Agreement and any applicable terms and conditions accompanying that Application or otherwise provided to You by Thunder TV. Except as expressly set forth in this Section, You are granted no licenses or other rights in or to any Application.

3.To Content. The Platform will provide You with the ability to access to a variety of Content, including, video, audio, text, photographs, illustrations, graphics, and other data, information and content. Unless otherwise noted on the Platform, all Content available through the Platform (“Platform Content”) is owned by Thunder TV and Thunder TV’s third party licensors and providers. All Platform Content is provided for entertainment purposes only and You are solely responsible for verifying the accuracy, completeness and applicability of all Platform Content and for Your use of any Platform Content. Subject to Your compliance with this Agreement, You may access the Platform Content solely for Your own lawful, personal, non-commercial purposes in connection with Your use of the Platform. You will not, and will not permit any third party to: (a) alter, modify, reproduce, or create derivative works of any Platform Content; (b) distribute, sell, resell, lend, loan, lease, license, sublicense or transfer any Platform Content; or (c) alter, obscure or remove any copyright, trademark or any other notices that are provided on or in connection with any Platform Content. Thunder TV has not verified the accuracy of, and will not be responsible for any errors or omissions in, any Platform Content. Without limiting the foregoing, Thunder TV will not be held liable to You or any other third party for any Content, including Your Content (as defined below), under a Federal Law called the Communications Decency Act or CDA, 47 U.S.C. § 230. Except as set forth in this Agreement, You are granted no licenses or other rights in or to any Platform Content, or any IPR (as defined below) therein or related thereto. If You would like to use any Platform Content in a manner not permitted by this Agreement, please contact Thunder TV at Live Chat

4.To Other Users. The Platform may allow you to connect and otherwise communicate with other Users of the Platform, both individually through messages to Users and generally through communications to multiple Users on boards, chats, comments, and other forums. By connecting or communicating with other Users, You are agreeing to allow those Users to communicate directly with You through the Platform. You agree that You are solely responsible for all communications between You and any other User through the Platform, including communications You make available to multiple Users through the Platform. Your decision to communicate with any other User through the Platform will serve as Your permission for Thunder TV to provide that other User with any of Your User Information or Your Content that You include in that communication. You agree that Your communications through the Platform will not: (a) violate this Agreement, including, without limitation, the Privacy Policy; (b) violate any applicable international, federal, state, and local treaties, laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances (“Laws”), including, without limitation, any rules of professional conduct or of licensing bodies; (c) be libelous, defamatory, obscene, abusive, pornographic, threatening, or an invasion of privacy; (d) constitute an infringement, misappropriation or violation of the IPR (as defined below) or other rights of any third party; (e) be illegal in any way or advocate illegal activity; (f) be false, misleading or inaccurate; (g) be considered junk mail, spam, a part of a pyramid scheme, a disruptive commercial message or disruptive advertisement; (h) cause the publication or release of any material non-public data or information or (i) constitute the unauthorized practice of medicine, therapy, law or other professional service.

5.Equipment and Connectivity. You are solely responsible for obtaining and maintaining all equipment, mobile devices, facilities, and internet connectivity required to access or use the Platform, Services, Applications and Platform Content provided through them. In order to access and use Thunder TV’s Platform, Services, Applications and Platform Content, you must have a broadband, wireless or similar internet connection, and you will need to obtain such internet connection (including sufficient levels and required equipment related thereto) from a third-party internet or similar wireless service provider at your sole cost and expense (“Internet Connectivity”). Thunder TV makes no representations or warranties about the speed or quality of your watching experience on your or any device, as that will depend on factors outside of Thunder TV’s control, such as your location, your Internet Connectivity, the available bandwidth at the time of your request, the format of our Content you are attempting to access, the device(s) you use to access the Platform and Services. Thunder TV also reserves the right change the format of the Platform Content based on the specifications of your Internet Connectivity (e.g., if your Internet Connection or device do not meet our required standards for accessing and viewing high-definition (“HD”) content, then any HD content accessed by you may be automatically re-formatted by us in an attempt to improve your experience).

6.Devices. You must only use devices permitted (“Permitted Devices”) for use with the Platform, Applications, Services and Platform Content. For a current list of such devices please visit and review the devices listed at: Thunder TV. You can access the Platform and Platform Content through different Permitted Devices, provided that you will only be to access the Platform and Platform Content through your account on one Permitted Device at a given time. We are not responsible for any issues relating to your device, its operating system or connectivity.

7.Bitrate Streaming. The Platform may use adaptive bitrate streaming (“ABS”), which creates multiple versions of each program, recorded at different bitrates, to optimize playback of the applicable audiovisual content at any given time based upon the capabilities of the applicable playback device and available internet bandwidth. If you choose to use the Cloud DVR, you are directing that playback be provided using ABS.

8.Other Restrictions. You may not use the Services to, or assist or encourage any other party to, engage in any of the following activities: (a) copying, framing or mirroring any part of the Services; Accessing the Service for purposes of monitoring its availability, performance or functionality; (b) permitting any third party to access the Services; (c) using, copying, modifying, creating a derivative work of, reverse engineering, decompiling or otherwise attempting to extract the source code of the software underlying the Services or any part thereof, unless expressly permitted or required by law, and in any case, without providing prior written notice to Thunder TV; (d) publishing, transmitting, distributing or storing content, material, information or data that: (i) is illegal, obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, abusive, or hateful or that advocates violence; (ii) is harmful to or interferes with the Services or any third party’s networks, equipment, applications, services or websites (e.g., viruses, worms, Trojan horses, etc.); (iii) infringes, dilutes, misappropriates or otherwise violates any privacy, intellectual property, publicity or other personal rights including, without limitation, copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets or other proprietary information (including unauthorized use of domain names); or (iv) is fraudulent or contains false, deceptive or misleading statements, claims or representations (such as “phishing”); (e) attempting to disrupt, degrade, impair or violate the integrity or security of the Services or the computers, services, Accounts or networks of any other party (including, without limitation, “hacking,” “denial of service” attacks, etc.), including any activity that typically precedes attempts to breach security such as scanning, probing or other testing or vulnerability assessment activity, or engaging in or permitting any network or hosting activity that results in the blacklisting or other blockage of Thunder TV internet protocol space; (f) avoiding payment of incurring charges or fees payable by you with respect to the Services; (g) distributing, or disclosing any part of the Service in any medium, including without limitation by any automated or non-automated “scraping”; (h) using any automated system, including, without limitation, “robots,” “spiders,” “offline readers,” etc., to access the Services in a manner that sends more request messages to Thunder TV than a human can reasonably produce in the same period of time by using a conventional web browser ; (i) taking any action that imposes, or may impose, at our sole discretion, an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure; (j) collecting or harvesting any personally identifiable information, including Account names and information about users of the Services, from the Services; (k) using the Services for any commercial solicitation purposes; (l) accessing any Content on the Services through any technology or means other than those provided or authorized by the Services; (m) bypassing the measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to the Services, including, without limitation, features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any content or enforce limitations on use of the Services or the content therein; (o) violating any applicable law, statute, ordinance or regulation, or encouraging any conduct that could constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liability; (p) removing any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notices contained in or on the Services; (q) executing any form of network monitoring or running a network analyzer or packet sniffer or other technology to intercept, decode, mine or display any packets used to communicate between the Service’s servers or any data not intended for you; or (r) rebroadcast, retransmit or otherwise publicly perform, transmit or distribute any portion of the Services (including the trademarks of any content providers) or any account of any Content provided to You in accordance therewith.

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